Thursday, June 22, 2023

The Great depression Then/Now

This notorious event put America’s hope to the test, leaving Americans very economically and mentally drained. The Great Depression devastated America and is unlikely to be forgotten. If not for Franklen Delano Roosevelt and his beneficial “New Deal’; who knows what horrid ruins would remain as a result of The Great Depression?

During The Great Depression people didn’t have much money because it was not easy to earn, and with the lack of jobs, people ended up working many part-time jobs to make ends meet so it was difficult to carry on without any hope of economic improvement.

Every American’s spirit were being tested alot and the number of those who still had hope was constantly diminishing, with America facing economic doom Americans turned to one man: Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The “New Deal” was created by Roosevelt, and this new policy was supported by most Americans.

With the promise of a New Deal to help end the Great Depression Roosevelt handedly won the election by a landslide. He created jobs for three million people between seventeen and twenty three years of age. Roosevelt’s work relief program put eight and a half million Americans to work building roads, bridges airports and more.

Although Roosevelt did not end the Great Depression, he provide Americans with work and hope. The Great Depression left Americans mentally as well as economically depleted. This event tested the will of the american people and left some citizens without any hope but through the leadership of Franklin Delano Roosevelt many Americans was inspired to make positive changes in their lives and many people made the decision to retrain for a new career, learn a new skill, and take more control over their own lives.

Even though the Depression devastatingly affected tens of millions of people, the way it changed people’s outlooks was very inspiring. People learned to be more resourceful. Instead of tossing a cotton bag in the garbage, people started to use them as towels and dish cloths. A stronger sense of pride in their country helped them work through the hardships together, with patriotism and unity. Together, the country was able to feel more hopful as things began to improve.

Above all else, without hope for the future, people would of given up on trying to fix their severely wounded economy. These enhanced senses of resourcefulness, unity, along with patriotism and hope were all ways that the Great Depression affected Americans.

The Great Depression was a notorious event that severely impacted America's economy and the morale of its citizens. However, the current situation differs significantly from that dark period in history. Today, I will highlight some key differences between the Great Depression and the present time.

  1. Economic Stability: Unlike the Great Depression, the current economy is generally more stable. Although economic fluctuations and recessions still occur, they are typically less severe and are often met with prompt government interventions and economic policies aimed at stabilization. Governments have learned from the mistakes of the past and implemented safeguards to prevent another catastrophic economic collapse.

  1. Social Safety Nets: In response to the Great Depression, governments around the world, including the United States, established various social safety nets to protect vulnerable individuals and families. Programs such as unemployment insurance, welfare, and public assistance provide a safety net for those facing financial hardships. These safety nets were absent or inadequate during the Great Depression, exacerbating the suffering of the population.

  2. Financial Regulations: The financial system is now subject to stricter regulations and oversight. After the Great Depression, significant reforms were implemented to prevent a similar crisis from occurring again. Measures such as the establishment of regulatory agencies, improved banking practices, and increased transparency have helped stabilize the financial sector and prevent excessive risk-taking.

  3. Global Cooperation: International collaboration and cooperation have significantly improved since the Great Depression. Countries have recognized the importance of maintaining stable global economic conditions and have established institutions like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank to promote financial stability and provide assistance during economic downturns. In times of crisis, countries are more likely to work together to find solutions and prevent the spread of economic turmoil.

  1. Technological Advancements: The advancements in technology and increased productivity have transformed the economic landscape. Innovation and automation have created new industries and job opportunities, fostering economic growth. Technological advancements have also improved the efficiency of financial systems, allowing for faster transactions, increased access to capital, and enhanced economic resilience.

  2. Global Trade: International trade has expanded exponentially since the Great Depression. Increased globalization and interconnectedness have created a more diversified and robust global economy. While economic downturns in one region can have ripple effects, the interconnected nature of economies also allows for a faster recovery through international trade and cooperation.

  3. Psychological Preparedness: The memory of the Great Depression and the lessons learned from that period have had a lasting impact on economic and psychological preparedness. Governments, institutions, and individuals are more aware of the warning signs and potential risks associated with economic downturns. Efforts are made to monitor economic indicators, maintain financial stability, and provide psychological support to those affected during times of economic crisis.

  4. In conclusion, the current era differs significantly from the Great Depression in terms of economic stability, social safety nets, financial regulations, global cooperation, technological advancements, global trade, and psychological preparedness. While challenges and economic fluctuations still exist, the lessons learned from the Great Depression have shaped a more resilient and proactive approach to economic crises, fostering a sense of optimism and a belief in the ability to overcome challenges.

Monday, June 19, 2023


The Chosen one

 When God chooses a child, it resembles the birth of Jesus in a manger. I look back at my childhood and realize that nothing was easy. I didn’t have fancy clothes or even my bedroom.  My single mom did her very best to provide food, shelter, lots of prayers and love.  

Unknown to me, I stood out from my siblings and peers, but I did not know it. At 5, there were a lot of children and teenagers being attacked by dark enteritis such as the paranormal. As I stood in the center of it all, I was protected. There was a man who was well known in the community who would squeeze my cheeks whenever he sees me.  

I was sitting on the ground playing in the dirt surrounded by eatable plants and weeds. I played until it became dark in front of my house until it became dark. I looked at a house nearby and the man who likes to squeeze my cheeks was standing near that house. I turned away to tell my mom that the man is here, and my mom came out the house to ask where is he. I turned back and pointed in the direction where the man was, and I said he was just standing there.  the man was gone and was not there anymore the following day. My mother said the man died two weeks ago, so it could not have been Mr. cheek squeezer I saw. As I grew older, I realized I saw a deceased, dead Ghost.

Intrigued by the encounter with the ghostly figure, I became increasingly aware of my unique abilities as I entered my teenage years. Strange occurrences seemed to gravitate toward me, whether it was objects moving on their own or whispers in the wind that only I could hear. It was 

f the supernatural. He taught me to harness my abilities, to embrace my destiny as the bridge between the living and the dead.

Under his Guidance, I learned to understand the whispers of the spirits and how to use my powers for the greater good.

Less she endured to raise me, and it would ignite a fire within me, reminding me of my calling.

One fateful night, a particularly powerful entity threatened to plunge our town into eternal darkness. Its presence was overwhelming, and the townsfolk were paralyzed by fear. With the weight of the world on my shoulders, I confronted the malevolent force head-on, channeling all my energy and faith into banishing it. The battle was fierce, but I refused to back down.

In the end, my determination prevailed. The darkness dissipated, and the town was saved from its impending doom. The once-frightened townsfolk now regarded me with admiration and gratitude. They saw me as their savior, the one who had delivered them from the clutches of evil.

But even as I basked in their appreciation, I remained humble, knowing that my powers were not for personal glory. I continued to serve as the bridge between realms, assisting both the living and the dead in finding solace and resolution. With every spirit I helped move on, every haunted house I cleansed, I felt a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment.

As the years went by, I became a legend, whispered about in hushed tones among the townspeople. But my true satisfaction came from knowing that I had made a difference in the lives of those around me. And as I carried on with my chosen path, I knew that I would forever be the guardian of both the seen and the unseen, bound by my destiny as the chosen one.   As time passed, my encounters with restless souls increased. I would receive urgent messages from the other side, guiding me to places where evil lurked. With every encounter, I grew stronger and more confident in my abilities. I became known as the town's protector, the one who could banish the malevolent entities and bring peace to the tormented souls.

However, being the chosen one came with its own challenges. The darkness I confronted was relentless, and it tested my courage and determination. There were moments when I doubted my purpose, moments when I questioned if I could truly make a difference. But then, I would think of my mother and the struggles she endured to raise me, and it would ignite a fire within me, reminding me of my calling.

One fateful night, a particularly powerful entity threatened to plunge our town into eternal darkness. Its presence was overwhelming, and the townsfolk were paralyzed by fear. With the weight of the world on my shoulders, I confronted the malevolent force head-on, channeling all my energy and faith into banishing it. The battle was fierce, but I refused to back down.

In the end, my determination prevailed. The darkness dissipated, and the town was saved from its impending doom. The once-frightened townsfolk now regarded me with admiration and gratitude. They saw me as their savior, the one who had delivered them from the clutches of evil.

But even as I basked in their appreciation, I remained humble, knowing that my powers were not for personal glory. I continued to serve as the bridge between realms, assisting both the living and the dead in finding solace and resolution. With every spirit I helped move on, every haunted house I cleansed, I felt a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment.

As the years went by, I became a legend, whispered about in hu

As the years went by, I became a legend, whispered about in hushed tones among the townspeople. But my true satisfaction came from knowing that I had made a difference in the lives of those around me. And as I carried on with my chosen path, I knew that I would forever be the guardian of both the seen and the unseen, bound by my destiny as the chosen one.

As time passed, my encounters with restless souls increased. I would receive urgent messages from the other side, guiding me to places where evil lurked. With every encounter, I grew stronger and more

confident in my abilities. I became known as the town's protector, the one who could banish the malevolent entities and bring peace to the tormented souls.

However, being the chosen one came with its own challenges. The darkness I confronted was relentless, and it tested my courage and determination. There were moments when I doubted my purpose, moments when I questioned if I could truly make a difference. But then, I would think of my mother and the struggle

Thursday, June 15, 2023

The Chosen One

The Chosen one

 A child is chosen, looking back at my childhood nothing was easy, I did not have fancy clothes or even my own room.  My single mom did her very best to provide food, shelter, lots of prayers and love.  

I was different from my siblings even my peers, but I did not know it. At the age of 5, there were a lot of children and teenagers being attacked by dark enteritis as I stood in the center of it all. There was a man who was well known in the community who would squeeze my cheeks whenever he sees me.  

I was playing in front of my house until it became dark, I looked at a house nearby and the man who likes to squeeze my cheeks was standing near that house. I turned away to tell my mom that the man is here and my mom came out the house to ask where is he. i turned back and pointed in the direction where the man was and I said he was just standing there.  the man was gone and was not there anymore the following day my mother said the man died two weeks ago so it could not have been Mr. cheek squeezer that I saw. As I grew older, I realized that I saw a deceased, dead Ghost.


Bio: The Chosen One: A Vessel of Divine Revelation In a world brimming with faith and wonder, there exists a soul uniquely touched by the di...